Eliza Doolittle, kytica
Pestrá bohatá kytica zo série Luxury by Petra Wolfert s množstvom rôznych a farebných kvetov je veselá a jedinečná.
Kytica obsahuje eryngium, veľkokveté ruže, gypsophilu, karafiáty, alstromérie, sezónnu zeleň a doplnkové kvety.
Our flower bouquets are made from really fresh seasonal flowers. If any of the above flowers are not available, our florists will blend a different flower with the same or higher value to the bouquet.The colour of the applied flowers may be different.
The bouquet size deluxe is shown in the picture.
- € 228.00
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Najbližšie možné termíny doručenia:
Bratislava: 26.11.
Ostatné mestá ( mimo Bratislavu ): 27.11.
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